Empowering Connectivity, Innovation

Your API platform of choice!

Download, Test, Document, Mock And Build APIs more Flexible.

Ready to bring an API to life?

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Just a Few Clicks

With iDATA, powerful data solutions are just a few clicks away. Our user-friendly platform ensures you can efficiently accomplish tasks without unnecessary complexity.

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Time Efficiency

iDATA saves you time with quick file imports, automated schema generation, and rapid data scraping. Boost your productivity effortlessly.

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With powerful data scraping and comprehensive file handling, iDATA empowers you to tackle diverse challenges confidently. Optimize workflows, and stay ahead with iDATA's versatile capabilities.

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User-Friendly Interface

Our intuitive interface ensures a seamless experience for all skill levels. Navigate powerful tools with ease and focus on your core tasks.

Your Website Planning


Unleash creativity effortlessly with our dynamic whiteboard. Collaborate seamlessly and visualize ideas in real-time with intuitive tools.

Generate API from URL

Craft structured sitemaps effortlessly, simplifying navigation and enhancing user experience for your website projects.

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Generate API from Schema

Effortlessly collaborate and brainstorm with our versatile whiteboard tool, fostering creativity and teamwork for your projects.

Generate API by importing files

Craft streamlined layouts and visualize concepts effectively with our wireframing tool, enhancing your design process effortlessly.

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Generate API by input form

Craft streamlined layouts and visualize concepts effectively with our wireframing tool, enhancing your design process effortlessly.

Client Praise

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Lassand Rose

IT Student

Performance-wise, IDATA is top-notch. The response times are impressively fast, and the uptime has been reliable.

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Helen JonhSmith

Cyber Security Specialist

Helen's data insights have been crucial in guiding our strategic decisions. Her analysis is always thorough and actionable.

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Mosh Coah

Database Administrator

Database management skills have ensured our data is always secure and accessible. We rarely experience any downtime thanks to his diligent work.

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Ly David

CEO J-Technecal

The user interface is intuitive, making it easy for our team to integrate and use the API effectively.

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Lassand Rose

Backend Developer

The backend systems developed by Jessica have significantly improved our data processing speed and reliability. Her expertise is unmatched.

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Lassand Rose


attention to detail and user experience design has transformed our web interface, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.